Mashed Buttons

Critical opinions on games and gaming culture. By me.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

World Of Starcraft?

Rumors about the upcoming Blizzard Invitational have continued to pop up across the internet. First a translation of a translation of a Korean publication claimed that a sequel for Starcraft was going to be announced at the event. They outline a new race based on the Zerg/Terran hybrid character Kerrigan. They claimed that the game would stick to the RTS roots of Starcraft, but that a few new units would be added to each race. But today an article on CVG says that the new game is not an RTS, but in fact an MMO based in the World of Starcraft. Next year marks the 10 year anniversary of Starcraft, so a new title definitely seems believable. Fans of the classic game have been expressing their desire for a new RTS version starcraft, even going as far as completely remaking warcraft 3 to get their SC fix, so the news of another MMO has been receiving mixed feedback. The event is in two weeks so we wont have to wait long to see which rumor is accurate.

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